Hylio, Inc. is a US-based company that designs, manufactures, and provides UAS (unmanned aerial systems) to a wide variety of customers and industries. All of Hylio's products are fully NDAA compliant, meaning they do NOT use any covered telecommunications equipment or services, or any equipment, system, or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services. For clarity, none of the critical components in Hylio’s UAS are manufactured in the People's Republic of China, nor are they manufactured by any company that is owned or controlled by the People's Republic of China.  Thus all of Hylio's UAS are legal, safe, and secure for US Government entities and related parties to acquire, purchase, contract, operate, or otherwise access in accordance with the FAR rules as well as section 889 (FY2019 NDAA), section 848 (FY2020 NDAA), Section 817 (FYNDAA 2023), and the American Security Drone Act (FY2024 NDAA) and any subsequent revisions of these regulations.

In order to acquire, purchase, contract, operate, or otherwise access UAS or UAS services, US Government entities and those that receive contracts or funding from the US Govt., as set forth by FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) rules, must adhere to the provisions set forth by section 889 of FY2019 NDAA, section 848 of FY2020 NDAA, section 817 of FY2023 NDAA, and the American Security Drone Act of FY2024 NDAA and any subsequent revisions of these regulations. Please note that this list of pertinent regulations is subject to change as the US Government is continually updating their approach to UAS regulation.

By viewing the NDAA Compliance Component Specification Sheet linked below, you can see view a detailed list of all of Hylio's critical components, their make, model, and country of origin. For further assurance, you will find Hylio's critical components also listed on the US Dept. of Defense's DIU website which outlines NDAA Compliant components that fall under the Blue UAS Framework. A supplementary document is also provided below by the manufacturer of Hylio's on-board cameras, e-con Systems, which validates their NDAA compliance as well.

Hylio UAS are trusted by multiple US Federal agencies, US govt. contractors, and federally funded universities such as the USDA, the US Dept. of State, US Dept. of the Interior, MITRE Corporation, Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories, Kansas State University, Mississippi State University, Texas A&M, Ohio State, and more.

If you are a US government or US government affiliated organization that has questions about how to safely and legally utilize Hylio's UAS, please feel free to reach out to Hylio at 1-832-219-6778 and/or sales@hyl.io

Hylio UAS Sections 848, 889, 817 & ASDA NDAA Compliance Component Specification Sheet


NDAA Declaration_RouteCAM_P_CU25_CXLC_IP67

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